In the land of central Macedonia and, specifically, in the Sintiki region of the municipality of Serres, a few decades ago, began the cultivation of the olive groves of LivOil. The region’s microclimate provided the ideal environment for the growth of olive trees, thus, meeting the first and most basic requirement for the production of extra virgin, Greek olive oil. Added to the natural advantage of the climate was a deep love for the olive tree, the olive and its oil! This love combined with a knowledge of technology and its capabilities gave shape and form to LivOil!
that, every stage preceding production was conducted with absolute control and attention.
Selection of healthy and strong trees from LivOil’s nursery.
Personal care for the plants and their cultivation, exclusively through natural methods, in the olive groves of LivOil.
The crushing of the fruit in cold conditions in LivOil’s olive press, which is state of the art in its construction and function.
Engraved deep in our memories is the image of the founder of this family business, many years ago, holding softly and gently a small plant and explaining that for it to grow in the right manner and produce fruits of fine quality, it needs our care!
We do nothing other than follow this advice…
LivOil – Ioanna Naki, Paulos Lygeras – Sales Manager
Tel: +30 23230 22956