Our story begins in 2000, when two young people, Anargyros and Maria, inspired by memories from our childhoods, decided to cultivate the family olive groves. Guided by Grandfather Michalis, and by our fathers, Manolis and Giorgos, we set sail on our new journey – accompanied by our entire family…Over the years, there has been continuous research in order to produce olive oil that is distinct not just for its flavor, but also for its beneficial properties. This quest, that began with our love for nature, eventually became an obsession: to offer the best olive oil to our children.
“We want our children to grow up consuming pure ingredients, exceptional raw materials generously provided by nature, so that they will have good health and clarity of mind.”
We sustained our passion and dedication with hard work, and this eventually bore fruit. Our olive oil is not just of superior quality, but actually a pharmaceutical product. Our desire to share this blessed olive oil in 2020 gave birth to “Skoutari”, our fourth child. Our vision, with our olive oil, is to inspire more and more people to seek nature’s well-being, by adopting our philosophy that is epitomized in the words of Hippocrates…“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” (400 BC)
Bio EVOO 500 ml
Bio EVOO 250ml
Kamari, PB3, Kritsa Lasithiou, Crete, PQ72051. |
(0030) 6979693412, (0030) 6977904715 | | |
Prefecture of Lasithi |